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Further Information

Qi-Sonic Healing
(pronounced 'Key Sonik')


Qi-Sonic healing is the practise of using hands on healing in combination with body work to release blockages in the energy system and relaxation soundtracks to help to clear and realign the energy system allowing deep healing to occur.


A totally immersive healing session can be experienced by joining one of our free healing evenings, by booking a healing session with a recommended Qi-Sonic practitioner or by completing a short Reiki-Seichem Healing workshop demonstrating the simple principles of application & attuning the individual to universal healing energy.


The Three Pillars of Qi-Sonic Healing


1.Reiki-Seichem Healing

The translation of Reiki is ‘Universal Life Energy’, this energy can be utilised by those who receive a healing initiation during a healing workshop. Once the healing workshop and initiation have been completed, healing energy can be channelled for the benefit of oneself and others. The benefits are extensive, including deep relaxation, stress reduction, pain relief, self development and healing for the mind, body and spirit.


The Universal Life Energy flows from source, through the practitioner and into the physical, mental and emotional bodies as well as into the energy field that permeates and surrounds every one of us. The practitioner acts as a conduit to transfer energy to facilitate healing as is required for the highest good.


This can be further enhanced by the use of Qi-Sonic soundtracks, which can be used to relax an individual to create a deeply receptive state for healing & clearing to occur. 


The Reiki-Seichem initiation completed in the healing workshops can also enhance the individuals natural intuitive abilities.


2.Body Work

During body work sessions areas are identified as requiring attention, through gentle massage energy blockages are released allowing the energy system to return to its optimum function. Once positive energy flow is returned to the body accelerated healing can occur.


3.Binaural Entrainment & Healing Sound Frequencies 

Binaural entrainment is a technology where audible tones are embedded in soundtracks to bring about desirable changes in brainwave activity, creating various states which can include relaxation, deep meditation or sleep.


This technology is utilised in Qi-Sonic healing by listening  to individually crafted soundtracks to create a state of deep relaxation allowing the recipient to be receptive the optimum level of healing during a session. 


Specifically selected sound frequencies are used within the Qi-Sonic soundtracks to resonate within the body to clear toxicity, stress & trigger healing, assisting the energy body to re-align and release that which is no longer required.


The combination of the three modalities used within the Qi-Sonic healing system create a very powerful practise facilitating deep healing on all levels, clearing and strengthening the energy system for accelerated self development, reducing stress and enhancing immune function, leaving the recipient better able to deal with the pressures of our hectic modern lives.

How Does Binaural Entrainment Work?

Binaural entrainment is facilitated by playing slightly different frequencies separately into each ear. The difference between the two frequencies stimulates a response in the brain which correlates with this frequency difference.

For example, if we present a 400 Hz tone to the left ear and a 407 Hz tone to the right ear, a frequency of 7Hz is stimulated (A Theta brainwave frequency). This is what is known as a 'frequency following response' or 'binaural beat'.


Please note, Qi-Sonic soundtracks containing binaural tones should be listened to on headphones to be fully effective. 


Please try our assisted relaxation audio below - 

Assisted Relaxation - Qi-Sonic Audio
00:00 / 00:00

Listening Instructions, find a quiet place to listen where you will not be disturbed, place headphones on, start the the track, take three deep breaths and give yourself permission to relax.

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