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Debbie Rayner 

Doula, KG Hypnobirthing, EFT & Matrix Practitioner

"I have been using this form of healing since March 2018, I cannot imagine living without it. The Qi-Sonic healing sessions are wonderful, the sound tracks are easy to use and you instantly feel the deep relaxing affects. 

The teaching was very powerful, friendly and well facilitated with guided on going support after completion. 

I am enjoying the benefits immensely and have noticed more equilibrium in my life. This practice is one aspect of my journey that I feel has had a profound effect on myself as well as the clients I now offer this healing to. "

Claudette Ivey 

Teachers Assistant, Wife & Mother

"I really enjoy listening to the sound tracks, I use them regularly and they always make me feel calm and relaxed, the healing sessions are  great and I always come away feeling happy and rejuvenated, overall I feel my anxiety levels have reduced considerably, Thank you. "

Rosie Morrissey-Harding

Tatoo Artist & Healing Practitioner

"My journey with QiSonic healing started around 2 years ago when my family and I began receiving healing from David Osborne. I found Reiki to be a very gentle, non-invasive method of healing that always left me feeling safe, calm and deeply relaxed.

I then started the course to become a practitioner in February 2018. The workshops that David held were informative and soul-nourishing with the teaching taking place alongside powerful moments of hands on healing and absent healing. I have since used the healing practice in my daily life and find it an amazing tool to aid mental wellbeing, grounding, relaxation and sleep, as well as soothing relief from physical aches and pains. 

Listening to the Qi-Sonic soundtracks has enabled an even deeper level of relaxation in the healing experience and I truly appreciate being able to reach a deep meditative state in such an accessible way".

Charles Weir 

Civil Engineer

"Thank you so much for your course you hosted. I really enjoyed the content and the layout of the training. You and your team are really knowledgeable when it comes to Reiki and Qi-Sonic healing. I left the day feeling refreshed and energised. Your training has really helped me not only with my own healing and mental well being but allowed me to help others around me. I am really looking forward to furthering my Reiki practise with your next course".

Saskia Harding

Steiner Kindergarten Teacher & Healer 

"I have been experiencing the benefits of this combined form of healing for over two years. Every treatment feels subtly different but always leaves me with a feeling of glowing radiance which flows through and around my body. I feel the healing treats me on all levels, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When using the healing soundtracks I experience myself going into a very deep place of relaxation. The results have embedded in a very subtle but profound way - this has ranged from a better night’s sleep to eliminating severe headaches. I have become more aware of my life forces and how this healing technique works on sustaining energy levels especially when feeling stressed or under the weather," 

Robert Galloway

Cranial, Kinesiology & Sound Therapist

"The course was amazing. Clear crisp instructions. A safe friendly environment where you are carefully guided through several techniques that you get to experience its effects, also a handbook which is a great reference source and I still use on a weekly bases.
The Qi Sonic experience enabled deep internal states to be accessed and energies moved internally changing blocks and negatives into fuel for growth and understanding.
After the session it was as if tensions and numb areas within and around me had been positively transformed.
The great thing about the binaural sound tracks is that you can use them after the sessions to further the work .
I highly recommend this healing system".

Harry Edwards (Harry The Tree)

Arborist & Ground Keeper

"I was in a very low state of despair when I was invited to a healing session. This proved highly beneficial, so I attended the Qi Sonic 1 healing course.
This has helped me self heal, together with continued healing and use of the sound tracks I have and am continuing to progress in a very positive way. Thank you for all your help, patience and especially your unlimited kindness, and assisting me to turn my life from negative despair to positive achievements, slowly and certainly.
Thank you so very much, thank you for pulling me up".

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